Jul 2Liked by Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas

Great post Miguel! I'm moving towards my f*uck off era 🤣 not quite there yet. Gradually realising that most of my health issues are down to behaviours and patterns that trigger my nervous system but letting go is the tough part. I have continued to consume gluten (mostly in homemade sourdough) and feel no better or worse when I remove or add it back again. The hard core anti-gluten brigade for autoimmunity still bothers me, but I'm putting my middle finger up in a passive aggressive manner. 😅

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Thank you Sue! And welcome to the FO Era! The hardcore anti-gluten brigade needs to go out more 💖

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Jul 2Liked by Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas

Same reasons why I stopped my Oura ring. It was stressing me out that I couldn’t master my sleep, and it kept telling me I was sick when I felt great. Humans love to obsess on data but neglect the harder things in life, such as living in the moment, letting go of control etc. Thanks Dr.

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You get it 💖 Thank you!

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Jul 2Liked by Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas

Same here with my Oura! It was only when the battery died, and I went without for a few weeks (bizarrely they sent me a free replacement) that I realised how much the constant monitoring was stressing me out. And frankly, telling me the opposite to how I was feeling. I think it's time to ditch it. As for the GMD, I only managed a week before stripping it off.

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The universe sending messages through the Oura ring 😂💖

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Jul 2Liked by Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas

Brilliant post! Needs saying. X Jeannette

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Thank you so much Jeannette! Means a lot 🙏🏽💖

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Jul 2Liked by Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas

Love love love!!! When I was running marathons and doing Ironman triathlons I too used technology this way. It went from a useful tool that was fun to a stick id use to berate myself with.

When I became unwell I too outsourced to technology- measuring my HRV and looking at my garmin to decide if I could train or should rest. And I came to the conclusion it’s not accurate - I’d be exhausted, tired but wired, and my monitor would be saying it was good day to train.

I was so unconnected to my body it was unreal. Part of my journey has been re-establishing and nurturing the connection. Leaning into the wisdom held by the body.

Sleep trackers have always baffled me - surely you know if you’ve slept well? And if you feel have but your tracker tells you that you haven’t - for someone like me - that can be a source of stress!

It’s so easy to become enslaved by these things - but the noticing and acceptance that it’s happened is harder.

Well done my friend! You are an inspiration as always 😘

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Thank you so much Claire! I know you get it 💖 I hope you're enjoying Ibiza 🙏🏽

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Jul 2Liked by Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas

I love this Miguel and can relate. I haven’t yet weaned myself off my Fitbit which I still use to track my sleep (I no longer stress about how many steps I’ve done) but there will come a day when I will not feel the need for it. I have long stopped tracking calories, macros or counting how many plant foods I eat (why 30 ffs!). I do think tracking helped me somewhat eg understanding what 30g of fibre looks like but ultimately it lead me to obsessive disordered eating instead of being intuitive which is much more rewarding as you say ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you so much for sharing Catherine 💖 I've been there too and it sucks. Unplugging feels a lot more freeing 🙏🏽

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Jul 2Liked by Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas

I'm loving my f*ck off era too. It's a relief to finally be in this space. I am finding that my clients are also moving towards appreciating a more intuitive and nourishing approach to nutrition and lifestyle. Thank you for a beautifully written piece, which I will share with some of them.

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Thank you so much Lindsey 🙏🏽 I love your message, so it means a lot coming from you 💖

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Jul 2Liked by Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas

Love this . This is something I have fallen into the trap of , and you are so right , that it is this idea of reaching what is considered perfect , actually increases the anxiety and tiredness and feeling worn. You have obviously had to battle a lot of mental chatter , having adhd , and that must have made it even harder ?! The need to be constant busy . 🥳🔥

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🙋🏽‍♂️Yes! To battle a lot of the mental chatter and the need to be constantly busy have been the two soundtracks of my life 🎵🎤🫠

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Jul 2Liked by Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas

And , how does one learn what the body messages are ??🙃 am I tired ? Or imagining it ? Is that pain ? Or am I being sensitive ? Beats me .

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OMG, how long have you got? 😂

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Jul 2Liked by Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas

🤣🤣 throw in a massive helping of health anxiety and wow , we have a massive jigsaw with 7 corners missing 🤣 it’s refreshing to read your posts as it kinda validates my feelings that my mind has not left the building , due to too partying , actually , hell no , that was what kept me sane 👍🏻🔥👍🏻 take care my friend .

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I’m pretty sure your mind is very much in the building. Have a great day 🙏🏽💖

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Jul 2Liked by Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas

I’ve just turned 50 years young , and feel like it’s only now I’ve realised all my issues with adhd etc ( as you know only recently diagnosed ASD and adhd ) and as much as I hate the constant do do do chatter chatter , it’s become me , so, need to undo years of behaviour . Hardwired behaviour . Well done to you for tackling this with the F off mind set . Need to learn this . If society lets me

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Oh and many happy returns! We're of the same generation! 🎂

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And what a generation that is 🙏🔥🙏

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I've told you before. You can do it! And you're already realising that dismantling these hardwired patterns of behaviour is a massive piece of the jigsaw... You'll figure it out bit by bit. Society will be society. Just do what you have to do 🙏🏽💖

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